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How Can A Healthy Lifestyle Speed Up Your Tattoo Removal?

How Can A Healthy Lifestyle Speed Up Your Tattoo Removal?

Did you know a healthy lifestyle is in the top 3 factors which affects the speed of your tattoo removal?

In today's fast paced world, we are all at some point guilty of not treating our bodies as well as we should.

Whether it be the extra cocktail after work, smoking, not exercising as regularly as we should, or eating out a little (or a lot) too often.

Sydney Tattoo Removal

But did you know, these factors can have a large impact on the length of time and number of sessions needed to remove your tattoo?

As many of you would know from our earlier blogs such as "How many laser sessions will I need?" the process of tattoo removal relies on our white blood cells to gobble up and remove the broken tattoo ink particles. If your blood is not at optimum health, it will not process and remove the broken ink particles from your system effectively and efficiently.

Lifestyle choices such as cigarette by products within our bodies will put pressure on out lymphatic system that can mean a vastly reduced speed of removal. Process of tattooing requires professional expertise.

Many of the best results you will see on our website (yes we use all our own before and after photos) are from clients who are both fit and healthy. A sedentiary lifestyle means that your blood cells are not pumping throughout your body, less blood going past the site of removal, makes for a slower removal process. Simple.

Laser Tattoo Removal Sydney

So how can we INCREASE and improve the speed of our tattoo removal?

  • Get Moving! The more blood pumping, the faster the removal. Join a gym, chase the kids, walk the dog. This will not only improve your removal process, but also vastly improve other areas of your life.
  • Water, Water, Water. Drink LOTS of it. Your blood is made up of 92% water, if you dehydrate, your blood health (and efficiency) will be greatly reduced. Staying hydrated will ensure your blood is in tip top condition and vastly improve your removal time.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet, up your fruit and vegetable intake, and ensure you are getting adequate amounts of the essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Give up those cigarettes, if you have been thinking about removing that four leaf clover tattoo and its time to turn over a new leaf, now is the perfect time to give up those cigarettes too! The motivating factor of a faster removal process is a great excuse to finally give them the kick.

As you can see there are no secrets to give yourself the best chance at a speedy removal process. By working with our team you will be partnered with Sydney’s number one rated tattoo removal clinic.

Contact Us

We love getting amazing results for our clients as much as they love seeing their tattoos disappear faster than any other clinic (don’t take our word for it, check out our before and afters. Lets work together and erase the tattoo of yester you! Go team.


To make a booking call the clinic on 1300 1 NO INK (1300 166 465)

2/ 188-190 Victoria Road, Rozelle, NSW 2039